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Gulf/American Specification 2015 Lexus LX570......WhatsApp: + 2348056560988

الزيارات: 2822
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نوع إعلان: عرض
الحالة: مستعمل
الدولة: عمان
المحافظة: صلالة
النوع: Lexus
الموديل: LX
عام الصنع: 2015
المسافة المقطوعة: 1200 Km
ناقل الحركة: اتوماتيك
Gulf/American Specification 2015 Lexus LX570......WhatsApp: + 2348056560988

I am a car broker located in USA with branches in Belgium,Uk and Dubai and i have the following cars

avaliable for auctioning.

Lexus Lx570 2015.....$20000
Lexus Lx570 2014.....$15000
Lexus Lx570 2013.....$10000
Toyota Land Cruiser 2015.....$23000
Toyota Land Cruiser 2014....$18000

2013 Hyundai Sonata Limited.....$8000
2013 Hyundai Santa Fe Sport FWD....$10000

Interested buyers should contact me via any of the following contact info.

Skype: nazir_motos
Mail: ahkmed.nazir@gmail.com
Phone: +2348166997712
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