الصفحة الرئيسية  » وظائف  » قانون  »الإعلانات #226

ماجستير علوم سياسية

الزيارات: 2772
الدولة: الاردن
المحافظة: الزرقاء


- Master in Political Science- Jordan Uni.-Amman( 2011 )

Training/ Experience:

During my preparation for the master I got the chance to associate the following as a research assistant:

 Dr. Ghazi Raba’ba / professor at Jordan Uni. International Relations.

 Dr. Nasser Tahboub / Faculty of International studies

1. Research for Euro-Mediterranean partnership.

2. Research for Turkish foreign policy towards the middle east (Arab countries and Israel)

3. Terrorism.

Skills/ Abilities:

- Can work under pressure & stress.

- With Good Communication Skills.

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