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WTS :// Used Lexus Lx570 2014

الزيارات: 2847
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نوع إعلان: عرض
الحالة: مستعمل
الدولة: الامارات
المحافظة: دبي
النوع: Lexus
الموديل: LX
عام الصنع: 2014
المسافة المقطوعة: 7282 Km
ناقل الحركة: اتوماتيك
This LX570 is as Brand New as it gets. Nothing to point out. Not one scratch, ding, or even a rock chip to my inspection. The wheels are curb rash free as well. This Lexus is absolutely perfect and stays in my personal garage.

Year :2014
Make : Lexus
Model : LX570 570 w/ Luxury Pkg, DVDs, Pre-C...
Mileage : 7,828
Engine : 5.7L V8 DOHC 32v Engine
Exterior :White
Interior :Brown

Mr Durraine Pierri
Contact : it.pierri@engineer.com
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